is pleased to present a new incarnation, the better to follow a new adventure from near or far.

In early November, our dear friends mister Kenneth B. and miss Darci D. boarded a plane (or three) bound for the Hawaiian Islands. Unable to handle the cold, they chose to get out of the freezer.

So, for an indefinite number of months, the duo will wait out the Pacific Northwest winter by pursuing and intertwining their respective passions of scuba diving and organic farming.

As the fingers endowed to format this page, I'm sure I type for all of us when I write that we wish Darc and Ken all things good and harmonious and warm, and that we eagerly await pictures and details of the fun.

The Next Chapter:

Thank you all for the comments on the posts so far. Each bit of encouragement is noted and greatly appreciated!

News, Updates, Notes


Safe arrival on Hawaii.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Inati Bay Daysail

Your correspondents found the gem Inati in our cruising guide. We had been in search of a short-shot daysail to frequent while we are still employed. Hiding quietly in the steep, wooded southeast side of Lummi Island, Inati Bay is little more than an hour shot from Fairhaven with good wind.

We were hesitant initially about the weather, but the sailing ended up being some of the most enjoyable so far this season. Once we cruised in, we dropped the hook and took to shore; we explored the beach and bouldered a good stretch north along the Island, clinging to the rocks against high tide.

On the return trip we were fortunate enough to sail past the Lady Washington taking a spin on Bellingham Bay.

Today's best shots:


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Evan,
    This is your uncle Chris in Wisconsin. Wow! I am really impressed with all you've done (not to mention the high quality of this blog), and as a small-boat sailor (very small), a little jealous of your ambition, accomplishment and opportunity.
    Thanks for sharing your adventure this way. We will look forward to updates!
