is pleased to present a new incarnation, the better to follow a new adventure from near or far.

In early November, our dear friends mister Kenneth B. and miss Darci D. boarded a plane (or three) bound for the Hawaiian Islands. Unable to handle the cold, they chose to get out of the freezer.

So, for an indefinite number of months, the duo will wait out the Pacific Northwest winter by pursuing and intertwining their respective passions of scuba diving and organic farming.

As the fingers endowed to format this page, I'm sure I type for all of us when I write that we wish Darc and Ken all things good and harmonious and warm, and that we eagerly await pictures and details of the fun.

The Next Chapter:

Thank you all for the comments on the posts so far. Each bit of encouragement is noted and greatly appreciated!

News, Updates, Notes


Safe arrival on Hawaii.

Monday, November 29, 2010

A tour of St Barts

Yesterday was my official "Ken doesn't have to do anything" day.  I packed my bag with all the necessary items, snorkel, yoyo, bouncie ball,  harmonica, towel, sunblock, water, etc. caught a ride to shore and had sand between my toes by 9:00. The previous day's snorkel and dive adventures had not even come close to satisfying my curiosity of what this island's marine life had to offer.


 I had barely scratched the surface of my mental check list of things to see, but with only three diving trips under my belt, I had already come face to face with a large barracuda behind a small reef.  I shared a small area of water with a sea turtle, and hovered over a medium sized stingray as it gracefully floated across the seabed.  These pictures are just a few taken by Joe, the previous ship's cook on one of our many after lunch swims.
 The majority of my day was spent beach hopping and surveying the town and it's people.

The church is there anchor

The town of Gustavia is built around the harbor.  The church is one of the first sights you see as you come tie up to the dinghy dock.  Just after passing the "Yellow Submarine."  

About half way to the next town, St Jean is the cemetery.  A beautiful array of white tombstones and colorful flowers can be seen from the road.

At the end of the day I awarded Shell Beach my favorite. Under the shade of a palm tree I watched boats sail from Saba Island.  The picture perfect image of a dormant volcanic island of the Caribbean.

I'd say a good bit of sight seeing was done.  I still have much more to see, but it's a start.

Hope you all enjoy the pictures!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Ken,
    It's so good to see that you are having a great time. The pictures are bea-u-ti-FUL. I hope we can all come visit you.

    lots of love,

