is pleased to present a new incarnation, the better to follow a new adventure from near or far.

In early November, our dear friends mister Kenneth B. and miss Darci D. boarded a plane (or three) bound for the Hawaiian Islands. Unable to handle the cold, they chose to get out of the freezer.

So, for an indefinite number of months, the duo will wait out the Pacific Northwest winter by pursuing and intertwining their respective passions of scuba diving and organic farming.

As the fingers endowed to format this page, I'm sure I type for all of us when I write that we wish Darc and Ken all things good and harmonious and warm, and that we eagerly await pictures and details of the fun.

The Next Chapter:

Thank you all for the comments on the posts so far. Each bit of encouragement is noted and greatly appreciated!

News, Updates, Notes


Safe arrival on Hawaii.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Island Hopping

    The days since my last post have been too filled with events to list individually.  I feel a bit of neglect on this blogs part, mostly due to the recent onslot of friends and family that have taken time out of there busy lives to keep me company out here in the wonderland that I can proudly call home for the summer. So my apologies.
    Shortly after Evan and Darci left I relocated to a wonderfull park on the north end of Lopez  named Odlin,
where I met a delightfull group of campers up from Seattle.  They shared there camp fire, copany, and bulk Mac&Cheese with me in the scorching July sun, and for that I am more than greatfull.  Thank you all so much!
    There exit was fallowed by my old friend and roommate Skot's arrival.  After waiting on shore for me to finaly wake up, I helped him onboard and we set sail for Friday Harbor. 

It was a smooth passage across San Juan Channel and in less than two hours we were comfertably tied up in our transient moorage H55.  Friday was busy with activity and crowded with tourists. The food and drinks were great but Skots eagerness to see more islands and to avoid an expensive mooring fee, we skipped out of port and headed for Shaw Island the next day. 

    On Shaw we stayed on the hook in Blind Bay.  It's convenient location right next to the ferry was chosen so I could easily swap passengers.  Here Skot would go back home and Another old roommate and friend, Josh Cochran would join Layla's crew of two.
    Shaw is a small island only 7.7sq mi total, and located between Orcas Island and Lopez Island.  Just off the ferry a happy couple, Fred and Wilma, welcome you to there island.

    Josh and I spent most of the day exploring the island.  The large, Indian Cove, on the opposite side of the island was windy and had a great view of Canoe Island and Lopez just past that.  On our way back we fallowed a trail that led us to a private drive that belonged in a fantasy story like  The Hobbit or Redwall.
    We made it back to Layla around 5:00.  Do to the building wind and the forecast calling for 30mph gusts, a better anchorage was in order.  Back to Fisherman Bay we went.  This has become a favorite harbor of mine. Mostly for the resort pool that is commonly left unlocked.
    Josh Leaves tomorrow, and I am expecting my family (Mom, Dad, and David) to come visit in a few days to camp.  I hope this amazing summer weather holds out.

The library is closing and I'm signing out.


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